Why Choose Us?

Come on board and you will see what separates us from other insurance companies.


When buying at Nexus Insurance, we take extra steps to ensure you have the best coverage for your investment. Here is what you should expect:


  • Strategic discussion on your situation and future needs to ensure the policy is aligned with your strategy
  • Thorough assessment to ensure your business insurance policy is comprehensive of all features required for your business
  • Nexus will ensure your revenue protection is optimized
  • Nexus will take additional steps to amplify your risk mitigation
  • Nexus will provide end to end support to their clients throughout the year
  • Nexus will open up opportunities to gain new business / new contracts through bonding


  • Cancellation of policies midterm will result in 10-13% premium costs.

We understand that when it’s time to purchase business insurance, you are presented with a variety of potential service providers. When buying from other service providers here is what you should expect:


  • Standard quotes based on immediate situation
  • Payment plan options
  • Once a year contact on renewal


  • Business insurance coverage may not be aligned with future needs
  • Coverage may include features that you do not require
  • Policy may exclude features that may increase your business risk